Problem using Post Load Action (Combine Categories) with data from Snowflake

Problem using Post Load Action (Combine Categories) with data from Snowflake

A user reported that they were in the process of rebuilding a system from a new ODS (Organisation Data Source) within Snowflake.  The data contained 3 separate ID variables together with descriptions and the user was aiming  to merge these as a hierarchy, grouping the separate levels of ID into a single table.

This previewed and ran correctly in the Snowflake GUI and produced the result as required:

However when run as a Post Load Action within Designer the query errored:

The issue was that the Snowflake ADO.Net provider does not search for column names in a case insensitive manner (as the SQL Server ADO.Net provider does).

 To fix the issue we had to surround the column names in the query with double-quote characters so that Designer could find the columns:


i.e. SELECT CODE as "Code",SUMMARYCODE as "SummaryCode", SUMMARYDESC AS "SummaryDescription""

This resolved the issue.  The issue will be corrected within in the Q3 2024 version of Designer but would currently affect versions prior to this.

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